Club100 LW Sprint 2023 - Round 9 - Whilton Mill

2023 Club100 Senior Championships
Lightweight Sprints

Round 9
Whilton Mill (Zulu)

Whilton Mill - Part 2. Part 1 was held two weeks ago - my first race here, tainted by first lap chaos and final lap controversy, denting my hopes for the 2023 Novice XP Champs. This time out, we're taking the shorter national "Zulu" layout for the penultimate round of the sprint series. I'm closing onto P3 in the novice class standings. On a strong run, an even stronger performance is a must.

3x 7-minute heats, results from which qualify the grids for the 12-minute finals. The grids for the heats are random and released midweek, novices towards the back. I'm in Novice Class 3 (NC-3), starting this round of heats P19, P14 and P14. Whether you're an NC-3, intermediate C2 or experienced C1 racer, it's your average finishing position that determines whether you make the C final, B final, or fastest A final.

Photography by @johnnyp5000
Sprint 1 (Heat 1) P19 > P10 | P3, NC-3
Sunny weather. Track surface still wet from the overnight downpour, so the usual "flat-out" liberties taken in dry conditions are neutralised. And after an exciting practice session where pace was significantly on form, I am supercharged for Heat 1. Albeit starting last. 

No worries. I sit back into Turn 1 and wait - almost everyone on the outside for Turn 1 cannonballs into those on the outside for Turn 2. I brake early, win the traction race and pass 15 karts all at once! From P19, to P6. Yes sir! Then, they call false start.

Not like much learning was applied on restart. Same approach heading into the chicane, except Kart 69 in 18th bogs down off the line, so I'm already ahead into Turn 1. I brake early, seek optimal traction for exit ... then survive a hadouken by a recovering Kart 69 coming in way too hot from behind. This helps neither of us and means I have to gain positions the hard way.

Alas - by Lap 2, I've charge up to P10. A noteworthy second fastest lap time on the board. Even closing in to current P2 in the NC-3 standings, Kart 96 - Adam Sheargold, at a highly promising rate for the first time since earlier rounds. However, the chequered flag came out a lap too early for me to satisfy a certain advance. Therefore, finishing only P3 in class, I'm seriously disappointed the original start did not stand.

Sprint 2 (Heat 7) P14 < P15 | P4, NC-3
And unfortunately, the track has dried up by this point. Whilton Mill is a stomping ground for many on the grid. So relatively new to racing here, I had little optimism for pace from this point on. And I would be right.

A chaotic few opening laps mean I only gain a position off Kart 75 - Ryan Williams, who collects it back in no time. Their mistake coming out of the last corner sprays standing water from off-line into my path as I pounce to capitalise. Tyres wet, we both understeer into Turn 1 and lose considerable ground to our rivals ahead.

Inviting an inspired Kart 89 - Harrison Earl to catch right up to us with alarming pace. I engage in an audacious, enduring defence. For my efforts, I receive a few gesticulatory complaints from young Mr Earl as he finally gets round me with two laps to go. P15 at the flag, P4 in class. Frustration in the air.

Sprint 3 (Heat 10) P14 = P14 | P4, NC-3
This heat - not any better. My championship target, Kart 78 - James Brittain, P3 in the standings, starts right ahead. Our first real wheel-to-wheel encounter all season.

I overtake Brittain into Zulu on the opening lap, but then have our positions revert as altercations ahead compromise my exit. I have another opportunity into Zulu the following lap, but hold station as Brittain gestures for co-operation to clear karts ahead. Pace from previous rounds would suggest this wise. I should have gone for the move straight away, for today, neither of us had pace for such a strategy.

Brittain drops off from Kart 143 - Mortaza Hassan, who is also struggling to follow whoever's in front of him. So we're the off-pace C3s in this one, and I ultimately pay the price when a recovering C2, Kart 28 - Matt Ellis, pips me near the end to ensure I gained absolutely nothing from this heat. Other than a sure, subpar C Final.

C Final P11 > P6 | P3, NC-3 // P10, NC-3 overall
A couple P8 starts at Buckmore Park, a P6 at Lydd ... P11 in the C Final? Easily my worst sprint qualification ever. Since Round 6 at Lydd, I've also come to learn the C final is an undesirable scrapfest. So come the opening lap, we're 6 abreast - our desired trajectory for Zulu, the outcome an impromptu gardening exhibition. False start.

On the restart, a good launch of out Turn 2 and a collectively cleaner opening sequence earns me three positions into P8. Despite setting a benchmark fastest lap early into the race, I'd have to wait until Lap 6 for my next overtaking opportunity: a late braking masterclass into Christmas Corner, for P7.

The charge is now on. Mortaza Hassan ahead. I make a move into Zulu, but my exit is compromised by Jeremy Deeks and Curtis Mitchell who bog themselves down in their own simultaneous exchange. A crucial exchange to note, for they're fighting for P4: the final promotional spot for the B Final - my target.

Mortaza makes a move on Deeks, then backs out. I'm unable to capitalise. Then traffic backs Mortaza right into my path again. We're 3-wide along the back straight; I have the inside line. Mortaza hangs on into The Boot. I switch back on exit, squeeze a way into the inside line for the last corner and finally complete a move for P6.

Coverage by Alpha Live with commentary from 
Andrew Mather & Howard Mitchell @ddmm.

Full-course yellows. Incident in Turn 1. This would take multiple laps to clear and would bunch the pack. Despite all barriers and karts recovered with about a minute to go, they keep conditions at full-course yellow. Eventually neutralising the race, to my frustration. Chequered flag. P6, in the C Final.


I leave both races at Whilton disappointed. Ultimately, once the track dried up, I went from hero to zero. I came in looking poised for P3 in the standings. Now, I am having to watch my back going into the final round.
